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Learning from the lesson of too many orders for the camera to be delivered on time, this shipping time is for reference only.
If you need this accessory urgently, you can buy it from our Aliexpress!
The EMMC-32GB module is used for upgrading the printer's internal storage of QIDI X-Max 3/X-Plus 3/X-Smart 3.
EMMC-32GB module,faster speed and more stable than TF card.
Include EMMC-Adapter: it is used to copy system image to EMMC-32GB/8GB module on PC.
The EMMC comes with a pre-installed system image(Proximity Probe), so there is no need to flash the system after receiving it.
QIDI Max3/Plus3 Image for EMMC
Please update to the latest firmware after refreshing the image.
The openness of 3D printing community that has pushed desktop 3D printing forward. So we open source software and firmware here.
If you have any suggestions to our software and firmware, please feel free to contact